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Other Dishes:

Tradition Romanian Food

Tradition Romanian Food – Chicken soup with galuste.

Supa de gaina cu taietei de casa (chicken soup with homemade noodles)is a famous Bucovinean dish. Everyone knows how to prepare this favourite soup with fresh chicken and noodles made at home with wheat flour, eggs, water and salt for taste.
The Tochitura Bucovineana is a dish made of fried pork sausages, fried pork chops, sheep-milk cheese, fried eggs and polenta.

Sarmalute în cuib cu smântâna (mincemeat in cabbage leaves with polenta and sour cream) is a dish served everywhere in Romania. Pork meat is minced and mixed with rice, tomato sauce, eggs and parsley. This mixture is wrapped in fresh or pickled cabbage leaves or vine leaves. They are cooked and served with polenta and sour cream.

Tradition Romanian Food

Tradition Romanian Food – Muschi de porc la cuptor.

Cârnati de porc cu sfecla rosie (pork sausages with beetroot) are much appreciated. The beetroot salad is prepared with horseradish.

Flora Bucovinei is a stuffed sirloin steak served in Bucovinean restaurants.

Peste prajit cu mamaliguta si mujdei (fried fish with polenta and garlic sauce) is a traditional dish not only in Bucovina but also in all Romania. Fresh fish is covered with wheat and corn flour, is then fried and served with polenta and garlic sauce. Trout and carp are especially popular in the region.

Pastrav în cetina (trout in fir-tree boughs) is usually prepared to last for a longer period. The trout is cleaned and smoked and then kept between fir-tree boughs to get their specific taste.

Piftie de pasare (chicken aspic) is made of chicken cooked with vegetables to give the aspic good taste. The vegetables are re-moved, the meat cleaned and then put with the soup in small bowls. In a cold place the soup will transform into aspic. Pork aspic is prepared in the same way.

Tradition Romanian Food

Tradition Romanian Food – Chicken livers with bacon.

Pui cu smântâna (chicken with cream)is made of chicken cooked in sour cream. It is often served with hot polenta.

Mamaliguta cu ciuperci (polenta with mushrooms) is a dish specific to this region with plenty of forests and mushrooms.

Friptura de caprioara sau de mistret (steak of roe deer or wild boar) is a delicacy that is served rarely.

Tradition Romanian Food

Tradition Romanian Food – Stuffed tomatoes.

Tocanita de iepure (rabbit stew) is also a special dish. The stew is prepared with red wine that brings out the good taste of the meat.

Rulada de pui (chicken roll) is a dish much appreciated in Bucovina. Most people raise chickens, and the taste of farmyard poultry is superior to “industrial” meat. The dish is prepared with white wine.

Rasol moldovenesc cu hrean (boiled pork, chicken or beef with sour cream and horseradish sauce) is usually served with polenta.

Pârjoale (meatballs) is the traditional Moldavian dish made of pork meat, eggs, onion, potatoes and garlic, all minced together. Salt, pepper and dill are added for taste and the meatballs are fried.

Clatite cu carne si ciuperci (pancakes with meat and mushrooms) are also baked in the oven after the filling mixture is ready. Pork or beef meat are used to prepare this meal.

Desserts (Desert):

“Poale-n brâu” pies are made either with sweet or salty cheese. The dough is wrapped into an envelope and filled with cheese.

Clatite cu brânza (pancakes with cheese) are baked in the oven with cream.

Tradition Romanian Food

Tradition Romanian Food – Poale-n Brau.

Papanasi cu brânza (cream cheese dumplings) are either fried or boiled and served hot with jam.

Lapte de pasare (floating is-lands), consist of stiff egg whites floating in vanilla sauce.

Wine, beer and water

The national drink is the double-distilled tuica, usually made with plums, but also with apples and pears. An even stronger variant is called palinca. Both are homemade, as are the visinata, made with cherries, and the afinata, made with blueberries. Beer is popular and there is a large variety of lagers (bere blonda) and brown ales (bere neagra), usually sold in bottles.

Romanian wines are very good. Commercial vineyards have existed since the 17th century and are found all over the country. Romania’s great labels come from CotnariDealu Mare,NicorestiNiculitel and Odobesti. Sparkling wines from Panciu or Bucium are also much appreciated. Many Romanians make their own wine using traditional fermentation methods, without any chemicals. There are many varieties of grapes like “Grasa de Cotnari“, “Dealu Mare“, “Busuioaca de Bohotin“, “Lacrima Lui Ovidiu“, “Tamâioasa Românesca” or “Frâncusa de Cotnari“, but the white “Feteasca Alba” is said to be the first true Romanian grape.

Romania is full of mineral water springs, and there are many bottled water brands, such asPoiana NegriDorna, BorsecIzvorul Minunilor and Amfiteatru. Many people also go to public springs and fill their own bottles.

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